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2019-10-12 15:51


1, system stability of Windows advertising machine :(1) the system update lag, more loopholes, unstable, vulnerable to virus and Trojan horse attack, easy to cause file loss or unable to open; (2) the system cannot be customized or developed in depth. The legal system costs a lot and the non-legal system needs to be activated. (3) the software version of the system is relatively low, and it is necessary to uninstall and upgrade or install third-party external software; (4) all software and programs are pre-installed on disk C, which increases the burden of the system. Even after unloading, there are still a large number of garbage fragments of files, which are easy to slow down the system. (5) abnormal shutdown is easy to cause system crash or file loss. Android advertising machine :(1) open source system, which can carry out in-depth development and customization. For example, all the current Internet TVS are fully developed and customized android system, and the stability has been recognized by the market. (2) it is the openness of the system that attracts a large number of hardware and software technicians to join in. At present, most of the software and hardware required for office work, teaching and entertainment have been supported. (3) the system version is updated very quickly, and the software and hardware compatibility problems found in the market are solved. The upgrade is simple and convenient. (4) hidden and invisible system files, not easy to infect viruses, low maintenance cost. (5) no need to follow the procedure of shutdown, can be directly power off shutdown, will not cause the system crash. 2, touch experience Windows all-in-one machine: Windows system is mainly for desktop computer application development, to meet the needs of office, entertainment, through the keyboard, mouse operation, touch from Windows 10 system performance is better. Android all-in-one machine: android system itself is designed for touch, so it has the best performance in touch support. Many apps developed based on android have a better touch experience than those under Windows system. Android system also supports keyboard input and mouse operation. 3. Maintenance convenience of Windows all-in-one machine: the hardware configuration of Windows all-in-one machine is similar to PC in other aspects except more touch screens. It needs CPU, hard disk, memory, etc., and most of them are inserted interfaces. Maintenance interface is too much, and these accessories manufacturers are inconsistent, compatibility failure is more prominent, such as blue screen, memory error code, etc.. Android all-in-one machine: the hardware of android all-in-one machine is integrated package, and all the hardware is packaged on the motherboard, without loosing during transportation. And after manufacturers for a long time professional compatibility adaptation, no compatibility concerns. System problems can be solved by upgrading or swiping the usb flash drive. The operation process has been greatly optimized and can be completed without professionals. 4, application extensibility of Windows integrated machine: because the Windows system market application is relatively long, based on the Windows system software is also very rich, but in the all-in-one machine touch environment some application support is not good, but also need to be deeply customized software manufacturers, cost and effect are to be optimized. Android all-in-one: android market application later than Windows, the application of support, though less Windows system, but due to the free opening system, numerous software vendors after the development of recent years, there have been more and more application, the current support office, education, entertainment has absolutely no problem, more major application development is to support touch custom development, better than Windows all-in-one touch experience. Under the same experience configuration, the cost of Windows all-in-one machine is higher than that of android all-in-one machine regardless of hardware cost or system copyright problem, which is also a common fact known to everyone in the market. In a word, compared with Windows advertising machine, android advertising machine has more and more advantages in system stability, hardware stability, developability, maintenance cost and cost performance. More customers tend to choose android advertising machine.